Hello, I'm Gokul Prathin, Full-stack developer & Machine Learning enthusiast with 3 years of experience. I love building fast, scalable backends.
About me
A full-stack developer, currently pursuing my Master’s degree at George Mason University, Fairfax Campus, VA, with a tech background in software engineering. I am enthusiastic about developing scalable software solutions and exploring the latest in technology trends. 🚀
My projects
My skills
- Python
- Django
- FastAPI
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Go (Golang)
- Java
- Spring
- React
- Express
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Figma
- GraphQL
- PostgreSQL
- Cypress
My Journey So Far
Undergrad: GITAM University
Hyderabad, India
During my undergrad at GITAM, I got to learn about networking, linux, system design, building websites and was also able to publish 2 research papers by the end of my grad.
2017 - 2021Software Engineer
Hyderabad, India
Worked as a full stack web developer using React, Express and Node.js to build a Ecommerce application at Divergent Consulting Services (heybandi.com)
2018 - 2021Heymavin (fka Userfocus)
Worked as a Full-stack Developer — Django, Flask, AWS, Elastic Search, Postgres, Heroku & React. Worked on Zoom integratio into the existing codebase and completely built a end to end pipeline to record and analyse calls that occur outside zoom such as MS Teams & Google Meet and automated the recording process with Selenium, FFmpeg & Chrome headless
2021 - 2022Grad: George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
During Masters in Computer science, I became proficient with Golang, switched to Neovim, TMUX is my new home. I kept an eye out for new LLMs and learnt whatever I could about Machine Learning and LLMs. I was able to publish 5 research papers to international journals during my masters
2022 - 2024Research Assistant
George Mason University, Fairfax
Worked as a Research assistant under Prof. Ziheng Sun (https://zihengsun.github.io/), primarly worked on Geoweaver project. Responsible for maintaining the existing codebase and implementing new features for workflow management. Another intresting side project I worked on was 'Snow Water Equivalent' workflow for predicting water in snow for entire Western US using SRTM DEM and Gridmet.
2023 - PresentContact me
Please contact me directly at gokulprathin8@gmail.com or through this form.